The Year Of a Million Marriages

So many of Jordan and I's good friends are getting married this year. Geoff eloped, Billy is next month, Samantha is the month after (elopment in Vegas!!), Trish is after that, then me!, then Renee & Ryan, then Megan from Majestic and that's just up to October!!

The end of the world is obviously inspiring all of us to commit now or forever hold our peace. 

No but seriously. I talk a lot of shit. A LOT. It's my nature, I run things over and over and over in my mind, and the first few cycles are usually mean and full of misplaced pain. 

Take my relationship with Jordan. If you have never met us and only read this blog, you probably feel some type of way. Either that he doesn't give me what I want or I am totally overbearing and emotional. The real reality of it all is that we are probably two of the happiest people ever. I am naturally an over-thinking cerebral nightmare, but it doesn't leave my brain most of the time, except here. I also really like to laugh, and so does Jordan. Our humor is definitely something we share, and something that make the world a tolerable place. 

We work together, so that means we are literally together 24/7. That is not an exaggeration. We do everything together, have the same group of friends and have pretty much the same hobbies. And we rarely fight. Mainly because I can talk us both through any issue we are having in a pretty rational tone of voice and that helps things stop escalating. But it's also because Jordan is an incredible man. He's kind, and thoughtful, and doesn't have a spiteful bone in his body. That is not normal these days. Behind closed doors a lot of perfectly nice, chill dudes are disgusting sexist trolls who still think it's funny to cat call and abuse women. Jordan was never like that, his friends were never like that, and I am so thankful for that fact. 

So for all my complaining, I really am the luckiest T in the alphabet. And Tessa Earhart can't wait to become Tessa Rolleston. It's been an incredible journey finding him and myself over the last 5 years, and I can't wait to keep traveling.