The Push Pull

I can know that I will never love anything more. I can know that it will change my entire life. I can know that it will one day make me a better person than I am today. 

And I can still not be sure.

I can know that nothing will ever be as sweet as hearing them say "I love you". That nothing will ever feel more rewarding and exhausting and magical. And still not be ready. 

I can have everyone everywhere tell me it's the absolute best thing that ever happened to them, and still not feel the same pull. I can watch the smiles, the growth, the blind affection and wonderment in their little eyes when they look at their parents, and still not want to say yes to that for myself. 

I can hear every story a million times, watch a thousand movies, hear a billion words and still not know if I actually, really, truly want to be a mother. 

And that's okay.