I just deactivated my Facebook account. I had been thinking about it for a while, and just couldn't look at one more fake article or stupid meme. I don't really care about it anyway. It's a stupid platform that traps me in this feeling of high school. The feeling of relief is actually pretty incredible. No more unintelligent opinions. No more photos of other people's kids or dogs. No more feeling a weird obligation to tell people I haven't seen in 15 years Happy Birthday. It's so nice to not feel pressure to "like" and "share" every little thing I come across.
The trending searches also made me sad. No news, just gossip. Celebrity bullshit. Who hates who. Who Tweeted what. "The Top 10 Whatever." Just gross human behavior and opinions taken as fact. It's like history repeating itself, and everyone having amnesia.
I am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise.
I need to write more. To read more. I have like 3 books I need to finish. I need to learn more. About photography. About myself. About Jordan. I was finding myself opening Facebook more as a compulsion, not for any real purpose. I was bored, or disconnected, or both. All of that is bad. So bad. Like television for children. It really is bad. It creates instant gratification and that creates impatience. It's awful. I'm already impatient, I don't need help getting worse.
So that's where I'm at right now. Re-adjusting focus. Fine tuning some things. It's hard to do that with so much else to escape into.