Today sucks. I hate everyone.
Those are my initial feelings towards Tuesday. Bratty, angsty, dumb feelings. It's like when I first realized that life wasn't fair when I was in elementary school. I remember stomping my little foot and yelling at my mom, "But that's NOT FAIR!!"
"Life's not fair Tessa." She said it so matter of factly. Like duh.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. Like really? It's not? Well fuck, that sucks.
I was such a serious kid. An idealistic, serious kid who day dreamed all the time. Instead of "resting bitch face" I have "resting pout face". I always just kinda look bummed out, like everyday I forget the world isn't fair and everyday something new reminds me.
Yesterday I realized that I'm a mess. I am a whole thing. I am not a catch. I am not what someone is looking for. I lie way too much. And for no real reason. It's so shitty and I need to stop. It's only to guys too. I'm really good at just saying what they want to hear because it's so easy. But then I instantly get bored because I hate things that are easy. But I'm the one being an asshole. It's a weird cycle I need to get out of. It's partly because I want to be able to have my cake and eat it to. I want to be able to do whatever I want, and if a lie will help facilitate that, then I just go for it. It's such a shitty manipulative thing to do. It's also partly that fucking dumb fear of missing out. I need to keep people, to string them along until I can figure out what I want to do with them.
Man it's such bullshit. I hate myself for it. It's probably at the root of me being so unhappy. I can't find any fulfillment because I'm not being open and honest. I feel like no one really knows me. Of course they don't! I don't let anybody in and I lie to keep people away. Great job Tessa. Jordan was the last guy I was honest with. I fell for him in real life. He's still the only guy who actually knows me. It's tough that we just could never figure out the romance side of our relationship. We love each other so much. So Much. But I don't think we were ever in love with each other at the same time. It's been such a confusing thing for me to figure out and move through.
Although I am an asshole, I still hate to hurt people's feelings. That's another huge reason I lie to them. I tell what they want to hear, or what I think they want to hear, to spare them from what I think might hurt their feelings. But I don't really even know them so who the fuck am I to decide what would hurt them?!
That's another epiphany I had yesterday. I do not know these people. Just because I've met someone once or twice and we text often doesn't mean I have any clue who they really are. I don't know their families, friends, fears, passions, anything. So why all the bullshit?
I don't know. I don't fucking know. But it's going to stop today. Right the fuck now. No more stupid fucking lies. No more assuming I know what's going on in some dude's head. Just no more.